Wednesday, February 16, 2011

...blah. we go again.

really though? did you have too much happiness and good stuff going for you that you had to go mess everything up?! do you just like the drama?!

...again i say...i told you so.

wish i could say these things to the person, but i will keep my mouth shut.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

why i love my husband, reason #2

...even though he says he hates "my" dog, every morning he get Nilo's food & water ready and plays with him before we both leave for work. He does this so I can take my time to get ready and not have to rush. Or he does it also so I'm not in a bad mood and pissy at him at him the rest of the day. Either way, it's awfully sweet of him.

We booked a romantic getaway for this weekend in Monterey. We're staying at the Spindrift Inn on Cannery Row. Can't wait to get away for a couple of days, just the two of us. =)