So in honor the bride, here's one of my favorite pictures from her work bridal shower that we had for her last month.
Melissa, Tricia, Nga. So gangsta. Love them.
Motherhood. Not quite ready for that just yet. And I just got reminded of that. The other day my mom and I met up with my brothers, Vic and Tino, and the twins, Isabel and Ismael, to shop for their wedding outfits. Monica (their momma) couldn't come because she was working. We decide to eat lunch first because the kids just got out of myGym and were starving. Yeah, trying to feed 2 three-year olds is NOT fun...especially when YOU'RE starving and daddy is on the other side of the table eating his lunch because the kids want to sit next to you. Plus they are jumping all over the place.
After lunch we head all over the mall to at least 4-5 stores. The kids are tired at this point and don't want to walk anymore. And they're getting big. Enter Auntie Tricia holding Isa because honestly, Izzy is just toooo big for me to carry up and down the mall. And Uncle Tino's back hurts. And I'm not letting mom carry them, either. And it's hot. And I didn't eat all my lunch. So I'm hungry, hot, and cranky. Since my brothers came, I was the one that had to take each kid into the dressing rooms. Clothes off and on...clothes they don't like. And then the meltdowns begin. Isa doesn't like this dress...she wants this one because "that dress doesn't look like a wedding dress." And Izzy doesn't want to wear a dress shirt. He wants to wear a Spiderman shirt. I tell him he can wear it under his dress shirt like Superman does and he can take it off after we take pictures. He screams "no". And "no" again. And "no" a few more times...each time louder and louder. And daddy doesn't spank the kids, although he needs to. After 3 hours of this, we finally find their outfits. THANK GOODNESS.
Then I come home to two dogs following me everywhere. I can't even walk without tripping over them. So I'm tired, still hungry, still hot, more cranky, and now frustrated.
I'm going to be that mom that shakes her kids...I tell my mom. She just laughs.
No, I really won't. But I easily get frustrated and impatient. I think I should start working on this now since Kee and I decided that we will start trying for a little one at the end of 2011. Happy, Car? haha I can still be preggo in the summer...just really big at that time.
But my point...soooo not ready to be a mom at this time. I can barely handle my dogs. The end.