Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I turned 28. I'm officially in my late 20's.

Went to Kauai for my bday/honeymoon. We had a fantastic time. Pics to come.

Came home to find that my parents lost my dog. It's been 3 weeks now and no sign of him. I'm depressed.

Work has been hellacious. I don't know we are so busy lately. All I know is that I'm exhausted after every shift.

My biological clock is ticking. Not really, but the the idea of having a baby is heavily on my mind. It's not because everyone around me is having a baby. I think I'm just ready. Next year...

Hopefully I'll be taking the CCRN by October of this year. It's about time to get on it.

And as much as I hate to say this, and really don't want to do it...I'm seriously considering pursuing my Masters now. BLAH! ha.
