Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I turned 28. I'm officially in my late 20's.

Went to Kauai for my bday/honeymoon. We had a fantastic time. Pics to come.

Came home to find that my parents lost my dog. It's been 3 weeks now and no sign of him. I'm depressed.

Work has been hellacious. I don't know we are so busy lately. All I know is that I'm exhausted after every shift.

My biological clock is ticking. Not really, but the the idea of having a baby is heavily on my mind. It's not because everyone around me is having a baby. I think I'm just ready. Next year...

Hopefully I'll be taking the CCRN by October of this year. It's about time to get on it.

And as much as I hate to say this, and really don't want to do it...I'm seriously considering pursuing my Masters now. BLAH! ha.



  1. Hi lovey! How was Kauai?! I hope you and Keenan had a great time! So sorry about Nilo =( I'm sure your heart is hurting. I saw all of Jocelyn's posts and my heart just sank. I kept looking for an update that you'd find him.

    Workies has been super busy for me too - don't know why. I only do 8s and I'm pooped at the end...and every day they ask for doubles. Ugh..I wish, but no. Maybe a couple extra 4 hours here and there, but 16 is just toooo much.

    About that biological clock - I so so so so want you to have a baby whenever you're ready. I'm dying to be an auntie! I'd love to be a mommy, but it's not quite the right time for us yet.

    Okay, call me crazy too, but I might want to go back to school too. WE SHOULD DO IT TOGETHER! OMG, that would be amazing!

    I'm going to pull out my schedule and see when you, me and Mary can get together. I'm missing you like crazy!

  2. dude laura gasperis is the best to study for CCRN that woman is hilarious!

  3. Car! I miss you soo soo much, it's ridiculous. I can't wait til the 8th to see your face. I definitely need some quality time with you, even if it's just sitting around your lovely round table doing nothing.

    I finally moved Nilo's things out of our bedroom and out of the house. I did keep his kennel in the family room, just in case. I'm about to take that out, too. It makes me want to cry.

    I want to have a baby next year! Get ready, auntie! And I want to be an auntie, too. *hint hint nudge nudge wink wink*

    Yes, seriously considering the MSN. It would be great to do it together. Maybe we can convince Mary, too. haha.

    ANDI! I need to check that Laura lady out. How's studying going? Blah. I don't want to study.hahaha
