Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time to get it done

When I got really sick 2 weeks ago, I made an appointment to see my MD. We won't discuss the fact that she misdiagnosed me with Strep when I had no white patches, a slight reddened throat, a cough, and nasal congestion! Hello?!

Anyways, my point was that I weighed in at...156 pounds? WTF? *SAD FACE*

So I'm fat now. Can't work out because I feel like crap. Heading to Vegas in a week (at that time). So I made the decision that after we got back from our trip, I was going to change it up.

I started Weight Watchers.

Why? Well, Kee's sister and dad are both doing it, and they've both lost 20+ pounds already. I can do that too! I thought it was going to be harder than what it is. Sure, it's a little tough. I find it the hardest to go through all my foods not listed and assign points values to them. So far I've been under my daily points, which is nice. And it helps that my co-worker is doing it as well. She's done the old system and now is doing the new system, so I go to her for advice and tips.

And now that I'm better...back to the gym!

I will be documenting my weight loss and the experience here as time allows. Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Yup same thing happened to me when I went to urgent care the other day. Weighed in at 148 even though Im only 5'1" :( Its sad... you'd think running three effing marathons in two months would help you loose weight... apparently not. Good luck with weight watchers if you stick to it you will drop weight like mad. I've done it before!
