Friday, December 10, 2010

i knew it...

i hate to say "i told you so..." instead i'll just say "i knew it wouldn't last."

it's what they do.

my heart is breaking and aching for my husband. i hate to see him hurt because of family. but, it's how it is. it's what they do.

we'll see what happens in the next week though. it's like geez, c'mon...right before Christmas?! but, i guess i'm not surprised.


  1. OH NOOOOO!! You're always the realistic one...I think you were rightfully cautious taking all this in. Kee though, I could see him dive in 100% with all his heart and be heartbroken when it didn't last. IT'S CHRISTMAS for crying out loud...if there's ever a time to keep things mended, it's now. Hugs for you. Double hugs for your husband.
