Thursday, March 29, 2012

19 weeks

19 weeks as of 03.26.12
Another week down! Had my monthly check-up yesterday. My doc called me BORING!

Baby's heart rate is perfect. Your blood pressure and heart rate are great. You look great! You're boring.

In this situation, I would much rather be boring!

Listened to baby's heart beat again...156 bpm. Fundal height is right on point. No labs to do this week...

...but we get to do our anatomy scan next Monday!! And if Lil Dub is cooperating, we will learn if we are TEAM PINK or TEAM BLUE!! Ahhh...I can't wait to find out!

Stay tuned!

Monday, March 19, 2012

18 weeks

Little Baby Williams is the size of a sweet potato! And I think I'm finally starting to feel little baby taps! It's kind of a weird feeling...different than anything I've felt before, so I think it is the L.O! Exciting! And you can see my little bump is getting bigger! Now I'm starting to look as big as I feel!

People have been coming up to me the past few weeks and rubbing my "belly." It was weird because they were rubbing my fat. LOL. But it's firming up rub away!

I have my 19 week appointment next week. Just a quick check-up, but will be scheduling my anatomy scan at that time. Hopefully we will know if we are TEAM PINK or TEAM BLUE in the next few weeks! Any guesses?!

Friday, March 16, 2012

A week late...

Here's the 16 week photo from LAST week.

You can see my little baby bump starting to form, but I still feel bloated. Everyone at work (because they see me the most) swear it's a growing baby bump. I feel like it's just a blob of fat that looks bigger after I eat.

At my 16 week appointment, I did lose 6 more pounds. I am losing weight, but belly looks bigger so I know I am showing. It's just not as cute as I'd like it to be. I am wearing my maternity jeans more now because they are just so much more comfortable. It's funny because my pre-pregnancy jeans are a little looser now.

Here's a pic of one of the ACNPs, Andrea, who is also prego. I was 16w and a couple of days at the time. She is about 5 days ahead of me, but I feel she looks much more pregnant! She's so cute! We like to run from portable xrays together. :)

As of Monday 03.12.12, I am 17 weeks. That would make me 17w5d today. Baby is the size of an onion! Watch out next week for the 18 week photo. :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

15 weeks!

15w 4d as of today. :)

No pic this week. To me, belly still looks the same. I feel like I have slightly more energy, but I still do get pretty friggen tired. No specific doesn't sound appealing right now anyways because I'm sick, again. BOO.

The only new thing? HORRIBLE LOW BACK PAIN!! Coughing and sneezing is the worse now. I brace my whole body when I know a sneeze is coming on because it hurts like crazy! Isn't it too early? I just don't get it. And Tylenol, the whole med I can take for any ailment, does jack for me. "/

Otherwise, I'm feeling aiiight. 16 week check-up next Monday and hopefully a new photo at that time! :)