15w 4d as of today. :)
No pic this week. To me, belly still looks the same. I feel like I have slightly more energy, but I still do get pretty friggen tired. No specific cravings...food doesn't sound appealing right now anyways because I'm sick, again. BOO.
The only new thing? HORRIBLE LOW BACK PAIN!! Coughing and sneezing is the worse now. I brace my whole body when I know a sneeze is coming on because it hurts like crazy! Isn't it too early? I just don't get it. And Tylenol, the whole med I can take for any ailment, does jack for me. "/
Otherwise, I'm feeling aiiight. 16 week check-up next Monday and hopefully a new photo at that time! :)
You're more than 15 weeks now! New picture...please! =)